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March 1, 2025 Our self-propelling capsule endoscopy was introduced at a serialization of flag bearers in the March issue of a monthly magazine “New Leader”. This magazine aims for a general economic one for next generation leaders to hold the bright future in their hands despite being enveloped in a sense of disenchantment. The magazine is purchased directly by signing up in the following home page: http://www.newleader-magazine.com/

November 26, 2024  We von the Mayor Prize of “Osaki Innovation Pitch 2024” at Osaki City Hall, Miyagi Prefecture. https://osaki1000.com/
This was held as a part of Osaki 1000 businesses to aim for creation of start-ups to make the effective use of many valuable resources in Osaki City and support of progress in the region. We made a proposal for medical tourism to make use of self-propelling capsule endoscopy and hot spring resources in the city.
Osaki City Hall The venue and audience of the pitch contest Commemorative photo with Mayor Itoh

October 9– 11, 2024  Mu Ltd. set up a booth at an exhibition “BioJapan”. This event is the Asia's Premier Partnering Event for the Global Biotechnology Industry and one of three exhibitions constituted by - 1. The world's oldest biotechnology exhibition "BioJapan" (1986-), 2. "Regenerative Medicine JAPAN" (2016-), and 3."health TECH JAPAN"(2020-). BioJapan is focused on providing new value by business partnering of industry, academia, and government which is not limited to Japan, but also from overseas.
Our company was selected as one of 30 companies by Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN (SMRJ) and displayed at a joint booth number B-55 in a pavilion of SMRJ. This exhibition has a Partnering System to automatically set 1 on 1 meetings including the date, time and place, so efficient and pinpoint business negotiations can be held. https://jcd-expo.jp/en/
SMRJ area in BioJapan Our booth in BioJapan

August 16,2024 Our self propelling capsule endoscopy was introduced in the August and September merged issue of the monthly magazine “DIME” published by SHOGAKUKAN Inc. The magazine is a business trendy media to deliver useful information for actual business and life to readers. Our product appears in the 95th sociology page interpreted by a key word. https://www.shogakukan.co.jp/magazines/series/087000  

April 1, 2024 Our ”swimming MiniMermaid to send images from the inside of a body” appeared as one of small future robots in the “Illustrated Book of Robots” published by POPLAR Publishing Co., Ltd. The book is aimed to introduce robots which plays an active part in various living scenes for schoolchildren. Our MiniMermaid is put in the 44 page of the 5th volume of “Robots working in a special environment”. https://www.poplar.co.jp/book/search/result/archive/7247005.html  

March 29, 2023 Mu Ltd received a registered certificate for a second-class medical device market authorization holder (MAH) No. 25B2X10013. This license is to entrust us with producing and selling of medical equipment. https://www.pref.shiga.lg.jp/yakugyo/guide-sodan/iryoukiki/300952.html
  Registered certificate for medical device Market Authorization Holder

March 14, 2023 We entered for a competition on Busicon Osaka which is cosponsored by Sansokan, Osaka Business Development Agency OBDA, Naniwa Akindo Association of Corporate Executives、Osaka Association of Industry and Business, and Osaka Wemen’s Entrepreneur Netwwork Association. We receive a Renovation Grand Prize. https://www.sansokan.jp/bizcon-osaka/
A pitch by CEO and CMO of Mu Ltd. The chief judge’s comment for us Prize winners of the competition

February 4-5, 2023 We participated in the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Capsule Endoscopy at Keio Plaza Hotel, Shinjuku, Tokyo. https://www.keiso-comm.com/giweek2023/

January 31, 2023  Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kusatsu City, we were awarded the Grand Prize of the entrepreneur ship. https://www.kstcci.or.jp/notice/post2665
Receiving award from a president of the Chamber Speech after receiving a prize Prize winners of the entrepreneur ship

October 13-14, 2022
November 23 -December 5, 2022
We have joined in MedTech Actuator Global Navigator Japan. This program offers growth-stage founders and entrepreneurs the opportunity to explore the Asia-Pacific market for commercialization of health innovation. This program is sponsored by JETRO and co-organized with OCCI and OBDA. Recipients embark on a program spanning Japan, Singapore and Australia, where they gain knowledge from leading industry experts, work alongside Australia’s emerging healthcare entrepreneurs and receive mentorship from industry leaders. https://medtechactuator.com/programs/global-navigator/
Presentation for investors in Singapore Visiting CHI in Singapore Visiting Chris O’Brien Lifehouse in Australia

August 16-18, 2022  We accepted 3 internship students from Europe. The program includes lectures and discussion on our self propelled capsule endoscopy (SPCE) system, Japanese medical insurance and approval system of medical equipment. Also production of phantom stomach made of silicone resin and screening test of the SPCE system were conducted. In the latter test, 15 marks installed in the phantom wall were detected by SPCE in a very short time and the validity of the system was proved.
Producing of phantom stomach Moving control of SPCE in a water tank Screening test of marks in a phantom stomach

July 27, 2022 Due to relocation of our main office, we have signed up again for manufacturer of medical equipment and received registration certificate for producing medical equipment from the health care and medicine department in Shiga Prefecture. The new registered number is 25BZ200078. https://www.pref.shiga.lg.jp/yakugyo/guide-sodan/iryoukiki/300951.html

March 23, 2022 Our main office was relocated from REC in a Seta Campus of Ryukoku University in Otsu City to an incubator in BKC of Ritsumeikan University in Kusatsu City. These incubation facilities are one of a wide range of services to starters and supported by consulting staffs of SME SUPPORT JAPAN which plays a central role in comprehensively implementing Japan’s SME (small and medium enterprises) policies, operating within the competence of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan. https://www.smrj.go.jp/english/index.html

March 20, 2022 We received the semi-grand prize at the knowledge capital division of the 9th Knowledge Award. This award is organized as one of activities for creation of industries and cultivation of human resources by Knowledge Capital in Grand Front Osaka.

February 25, 2022 We split our stock and increased our capital.

January 24, 2022 We were adopted “Kawasaki-NEDO Innovation Center Startup Hands on Program”. K-NIC is a one-stop base for entrepreneur support operated by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Kawasaki City, and the Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion. https://www.k-nic.jp/en/


September 27, 2021 We were adopted “Shiga Prefecture Corona-compatible Manufacturing R&D Subsidy”. In order to promote technological development that responds to the diverse needs of society, including measures against new coronavirus infectious diseases, and contribute to the high added value of products, entry into new fields, creation of new industries, etc., this subsidy was established by Shiga Prefecture to subsidize part of the expenses for new products and new technologies required for the development of new products and new technologies. https://www.pref.shiga.lg.jp/ippan/shigotosangyou/kougyou/317863.html

May 27, 2021 We have obtained a special loan by Japan Finance Corporation (JFC). JFC is a public corporation wholly owned by the Japanese government to support for business start-ups and new businesses, etc. https://www.jfc.go.jp/n/finance/search/covid_19_m.html

May 13, 2021 We have participated in Demo Day of HAX Tokyo. This is a compilation event of the HAX Tokyo program during 3 and half months started from February this year. 3 startups including us gave a presentation on their result of the program. On-line networking and meeting with participated companies were conducted. The completion of this program satisfies the first condition for joining a program of HAX Shenzhen and HAX San Francisco and fund raising.

April 16, 2021 There is Knowledge Capital in North Building of Grand Front Osaka. https://kc-i.jp/en/
CEO of our company became a member of members-only Knowledge Salon, which is situated on the 7th floor of the building. This salon aims for creation of new values through communication beyond members’ special field and offering comfortable space for connection of various humans.

January 28, 2021 MU Ltd registered for manufacturer of medical equipment being entrusted from a manufacturer and seller and received a registered certificate for producing medical equipment from the health care and medicine department in Shiga Prefecture. https://www.pref.shiga.lg.jp/yakugyo/guide-sodan/iryoukiki/300951.html
  Registered certificate for producing medical equipment


December 25, 2020 HAX Tokyo adopted three startups including MU Ltd as Batch 3 of their accelerator program. https://www.hax.tokyo/
HAX Tokyo is a 3 month program for startups developing hardware products in Japan. Teams will be provided hardware focused office space, prototyping resources and access to world leading experts in business and product development. In addition to providing knowledge and know-how accumulated by HAX, startups will have access to businesses and technologies from Sumitomo Corporation, SCSK and various other partners in Japan. At the end of the 3 months, teams will present at Demo Day with the potential to go on to HAX’s primary Shenzhen program, receive venture capital funding and further scale their business.

October 3, 2020 Shiga Prefecture adopted us the subsidy on development of new technology for small and medium-sized companies. https://www.pref.shiga.lg.jp/ippan/shigotosangyou/kougyou/17874.html
The purpose of this subsidy is to support a part of expenses of mechanical equipment for the companies in Shiga Prefecture to develop new products and technologies, create new industries, advance into a new business and add values of products.

September 2-3, 2020 Annual Meeting of Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society was held at Kyoto International Conference Center in Takaraga-ike, Kyoto. Hybrid conference combining online and offline meetings was carried out and we joined it at the location. https://www.jges.net/english


November 30, 2019 The Nikkei newspaper had an article on Ryukoku University, one of largest numbers of entrepreneur. Our company was introduced as an example of technological startups from the university aiming for self-propelling capsule endoscopy.

October 26, 2019 “Diamond Weekly” published by Diamond, Inc. ran a feature on “big change for the better within 5 years! 105 ventures in science”. Our company was selected as one of promising venture companies belonging to medical category in page 68. The weekly magazine introduced that our company is researching and developing self-propelling capsule endoscopy, which will be a pioneer of mini-robot to examine and cure from the inside of a human body.

June 8, 2019  Our company won the Small Business Idea Contest at the final jury in Tokyo sponsored by FedEx Corp. https://about.van.fedex.com/
10 finalists selected from 54 ventures competed for the 1st championship in Japan. https://jp.grantcontest.fedex.com/
A pitching hall A pitch by MU Ltd. Photo with WheeLog General Foundation finished 2nd.

May 7-10, 2019  We have taken part in State of the Union and Knowledge for Growth held in Ghent, Belgium. This is an international conference on life science in Europe. The lectures on medicine and meeting with investors and medical institutions were held there.
A lecture in State of the Union Display booth in Knowledge for Growth Business meeting in Knowledge for Growth

March 13-15, 2019 We were planning to take part in the Investor Day and Global Summit of Hello Tomorrow in Paris as shown in our news on December 13, 2018. However we participated only in communication via e-mail and display of a panel because of disable boarding at an airport owing to dissatisfaction of 3-months expiration date on passport.

January 11, 2019 Our capsule endoscopy was introduced in a special program “Kansai power from the bottom of health” televised during 19:30-20:42 by NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation. This program focuses on the topics of long life in good health from 6 prefectures in Kansai area .


December 13, 2018  We were selected as one of 500 startups to join in Global Challenge by Hello Tomorrow in Paris on March of 2019 from 4500 teams in 119 countries. Also we were selected as one of 10 ventures to participate in a Japan Summit held at Academy Hills, Roppongi in Tokyo.
A pitching hall Displaying booth

October 3-6, 2018  We were invited to take part in the Tech Planter Boston in USA. This showcase event is an international seed acceleration program for deep-tech startups.
Members joined in the program Get-together with sponsor and organizer

September 8-11, 2018  We were adopted as JETRO Innovation Program (JIP) to support for global commercialization of intellectual properties and joined in the Shenzhen program.

In the program pitch and mentoring events and business meeting to expand the business in Chinese market were supported by accelerators in Shenzhen.
A pitching hall in Shenzhen Members joined in the program Huanqiangbei in electric district

July 30, 2018 We have obtained a long term special loan by Japan Finance Corporation (JFC). JFC is a public corporation wholly owned by the Japanese government to support for business start-ups and new businesses, etc. https://www.jfc.go.jp/n/finance/search/57.html
The debt is regarded as equity capital in financial inspection. The result of the adoption is shown in the Start-up Company Book of JFC. https://www.jfc.go.jp/n/finance/sougyou/startup_company03.html

March 20-23, 2018 MU Ltd. was invited as one of 20 winners to Challenge Cup Global Fest at 1776 Crystal City Campus in Washington, DC. The winners were selected from 75 worldwide cites. 2 minute Final Pitch using 5 slides including title slide and 1 minute Rapid Fire Pitch using 1 slide were conducted at The Anthem, a large concert hall, on the 22nd. https://challengefestival.splashthat.com/
Seats in The Anthem hall   Final Pitch of MU Ltd. at a stage
Worldwide representatives who were waiting at a backstage of the hall Japanese representatives from Osaka and Tokyo and the supporting staffs 

February 12-16, 2018 Based on the results of the KVeCS Grand Finale on 19th of January sponsored by ATR (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International), our company participated in the ERA (Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator) special program in New York with 5 selected participants from the Kansai area. In the program we took part in direction and guidance by mentors, an exchange event with entrepreneurs and a pitch to investors.
Reception at the Final Pitc by ERA  Audiences at the Final Pitch
Final Pitch of MU Ltd. Japanese participants and staffs of ERA

January 25, 2018 Our company was selected as one of the top 20 finalists for the Challenge Cup Global Finals to be held in Washington, DC on March 20th-23th.


December 15, 2017 The date of the Challenge Cup Global Finals was changed again to March 20-23, 2018. Also the global finalists in the final pitch was reduced from from 75 global representatives to the selected 20. One of them is determined as the most votes in a fan voting on a short company profile and a link to the 2 minute pitch video of the 75 startups during January 13th-20th. The other top 19 are determined by Virtual Semifinals judges in two mentor office hours during January 8th-20th. The procedure of the selection is

December 5, 2017 We have increased the capital.

September 27, 2017 We won the 3rd Keihanna Venture Championship (KVeCS) which was held at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) in Keihanna Research Complex. The KVeCS is a pitch contest in a tournament to support international activities of ventures. The grand champion and semi-grand champion selected from 6 winners of KVeCS at the grand finale to be held on January 19, 2018 will have a special program of accerelation by Enterpreneur Roudtable Accerelator (ERA) and pitch to USA investors in New York.

 July 27, 2017 Challenge Cup Osaka in the regional elimination round was held at the Osaka Innovation Hub on the 26th and 27th of July. https://www.challengecup-japan.com/
The Challenge Cup is a pitch contest organized by UNION in that tournament from 75 cities in the world to find venture companies with a future prospects. https://www.1776.vc/
We have participated in the contest with 15 competitors including an Indonesian who have passed a document screening. As a result, our company was awarded the Grand Prix in the West Japan round and will be invited as one of two delegates of Japan to participate in the world contest to be held in New York on November. (PS) The world contest was changed to be held in Washington, DC. on January 22-26, 2018.
 The audience listening to a presentation  Awarded the Grand Prix and a ticket to NY
All of the competitors and organizing staffs

March 17, 2017 Presentation ceremony on research and development grant was conducted at a grand hall of the head office of Kansai Urban Banking Corporation. Our company received the grant as one of 10 companies selectef out of 41 applicants by the president of the banking.

March 13, 2017 The IoT Acceleration Lab and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry support creation of advanced model businesses and improvement of business environment through regulatory reform, etc. The 3rd IoT lab Selection (IoT Project Selection Meeting) was conducted in Tokyo and selected 8 finalists including our company out of more than 100 applicants. The IoT Lab Selection is a short-term individual project support scheme, scouting and selecting advanced IoT projects, to which providing 1) financing (the govt., banking institutions and VCs), 2) mentoring and 3) deregulation and standardization.

March 12, 2017 The 6th Hyper-Interdisciplinary Conference in Osaka was held at the Ibaraki Campus of Ritsumeikan University. The president of our company talked about his experiences on a new career after retirement from an university at a panel discussion on how to live and work at the next stage when researchers live until 100 years old.

January 27, 2017 The TBS Television's program "Wazabito, Bridge of Dreams" interviewed us and the the progress of the technical development of our self-propelling capsule endoscopy. The program will be broadcasted on TV during 21:54 to 21:58 on February 26 in the Kanto area.


December 8, 2016 The TV Asahi's news program "Super J Channel" will broadcast our self-propelling capsule endoscopy and telephone interview on TV during 16:50 to 19:00 while they report the 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery held in Pacifico Yokohama.

November 9, 2016 We received a Promotion Prize of the 17th New Business Grant by the Senshu Ikeda Bank Ltd. The grant plans to discover and cultivate venture-capital companies and entrepreneurs which have new and creative technology or business plan in Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, Wakayama, Shiga or Nara Prefecture. http://www.sihd-bk.jp/houjin/chiikiokoshi/newbusiness.html

October 19, 2016 Japan-Products.com carried an introduction article of our company. http://japan-product.com/ads/mu-ltd/
The JAPAN PRODUCTS is a business directory in Silicon Valley, USA, which globally promotes high quality Japanese products and services for BtoB, BtoC and BtoG marketplaces. Their mission is to support and coordinate global directory services for small to medium Japanese companies. They believe that companies with unique technological advantages will develop valuable self-branded products and these products will be highly successful to the global marketplace. http://japan-product.com/
The introducing brief video of our self-propelling capsule endoscope, "MiniMermaid", posted at the web site can be seen at the following YOU Tube: https://youtu.be/qgzS6AnnHkA

September 23, 2016 The TV Asahi's program "Imadesyo course by Osamu Hayashi" covered our self-propelling capsule endoscope, MiniMermaid, at their studio in Roppongi, Tokyo. The program teaches a class to Mr. Osamu Hayashi who is a teacher of Toushin High School from specialists or famous persons on a special theme. We have brought our controlling system of MiniMermaid into their studio for the first time for a special three hours program on super doctors and Mr.Hayashi has introduced and controlled our MiniMermaid. They will broadcast their special program during 19:00 to 22:00 on the 4th of October.

Arrangement of our system for the program Controlling of MiniMermaid.by Mr. Hayashi
Preparation of shooting Mr. Hayashi Shooting of movement of MiniMermaid

August 12, 2016 NipponTelevision Network Corporation broadcasted our self-propelling capsule endoscope on their quiz program "Super questions! Is it true or false?". Our system will be introduced as one of quiz themes in a two-hours special program during 19:00 to 20:54.

June 12, 2016 The TV Asahi broadcasted us for their news program "TV tackle by Mr. Beat, Takeshi". This program provides heated discussions on "Japanese problems" hidden within news of politics, economy, incidents and sports during 11:55 to 12:55 AM on Sunday. They will introduce shortly our self-propelling capsule endoscope in the corner on medical problem.

February 7, 2016 The final match of the 1st Shiga New Business Plan Contest was held at Crystal Room of Hotel Piazza Biwa Lake sponsored by Shiga Prefecture. http://shiga-newbiz.jp/
The purpose of the contest is to aim at bearing new businesses from Shiga to the world. Total 216 candidates applied for the innovation and challenging sections of the contest and 10 finalists went into the final match after document examination and presentation investigation.
Our theme "Challenge to realization of independent medical mini-robot without pain" was chosen as the most superior prize unitedly by 5 examiners of the judging committee and awarded a certificate of merit and a reward by T. Mikazuki, the prefectural governor of Shiga Prefecture. The results of the contest is reported at the following web site;
An audience in a hall for final match Presentation by MU Ltd.
Commendation by Mr. T. Mikazuki, the prefectural governor of Shiga Prefecture The prefectural governor, 5 examiners and 10 finalists


December 11, 2015 The Venture Plaza Kinki 2015 was held at the Congr'es Convention Center of Knowledge Capital in Grand Front Osaka sponsored by SMRJ, the Organisation for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan. http://www.smrj.go.jp/english/index.html
The conference is a matching event to meet small and medium sized enterprises and venture companies with investors to support to financing. Eight selected ve ture companies including our company gave a lecture and exhibited on their business project at the conference.

August 22, 2015 The Kobe Workshop on Venture Business is an action to investigate issues to solve venture related problems and to transmit the results to whom it may concern. http://kobeventure.jp/
Our president made a presentation on "Aiming for the achievement of independent medical mini-robot" at the workshop.

August 19, 2015 The Hokusetsu Workshop on Venture Business is studying and having a network on venture business for the purpose of trying to gain economic revitalization in the area of Hokusetsu, the northern part of Osaka. http://hokusetsuventure.jimdo.com
Our president made a presentation on development of independent medical mini-robot at the workshop.

July 28, 2015 NBK, the New Business Conference Kansai, is an incorporated association to plan a promotion of new venture business. http://www.nb-net.or.jp/ Our president talked on business project and activities of our company at a regular meeting in Shiga district of NBK held at the headquarters of Optex Group.

July 24, 2015 The Photonics Technical Forum whose chairperson is Emeritus Professor Yoshiki Ichioka of Osaka University is one of technical promotion activities of the Osaka Science & Technology Center. http://www.ostec.or.jp/index.html
Our president gave a lecture about an application of optical information technology to self-propelling cspsule endoscope at the 1st Workshop on Optical Information Technology whose chair is Professor Jun Tanida of Osaka University assigned to the forum.

July 11, 2015 The 1st commemorative joint meeting was held at Knowledge Capital in Grand Front Osaka by four Workshops on Business Venture in Osaka, Kobe, Hokusetsu and Kyoto areas. Mr. George Hara, the group chairman and CEO of Defta Partners, gave a special lecture on "What is Public Interest Capitalism to play a key role in rebirth of Japan" at the 1st session of the meeting. http://deftapartners.com/
At the 2nd session we gave a short presentation on "Aiming for realization of independent medical mini-robots."

June 20, 2015 Our president gave a presentation of our project on development of medical mini-robot at the 113th Osaka Workshop on Business Venture held at a meeting room of Osaka Branch of Nikkan Kogyo Simbun Newspaper. The workshop was held at the afternoon on the 3rd Saturday of every month to cultivate and revitalize business ventures. This time on the subject of "innovation and venture", Mr. Kawano, a president of Kawano Sciense Co. Ltd. and our president gave presentations after keynote address by Mr. Takaki, a branch manager of NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, http://www.nedo.go.jp/english/index.html ) and group discussions have been carried out afterwards.

May 15, 2015 Our president gave a lecture to 195 second-year junior high school students at Kitakyusyu Municipal Hanao Junior High School in Western Yahata Ward, Kitakyusyu City. The lecture meeting was a part of guidance counseling to students for learning through working experience beginning from the end of May. He talked about the current state and future perspectives of independent medical mini-robots which our company is aiming for realization. He also referred to infinite chance of youngers and importance of setting a target of oneself.

Entrance to Hanao Junior High School Students taking a lecture
Lecturing venue Lecturing scene

May 1, 2015 Our Kobe office was relocated from the North Warf Building to the Portpia Plaza Building in the Port Island, Kobe City. The nearest station is City Plaza Station of the Port Liner Line transferring at Sannomiya JR Station.
April 10, 2015 A morning meet-up was held at Knowledge Capital in Grand Front Osaka by Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC and we presented our business on self-propelling capsule endoscopy. The meeting is to provide early stage companies aiming at IPO or eager companies to new business with evaluation and advices by an audience from IPO supporting players, the media and large enterprises in the morning every other Friday. https://tohmatsu.smartseminar.jp/public/seminar/view/2347

January 5, 2015 The Niikei Business Publications, Inc. carried our self-propelling capsule endoscope as one of 3 new technologies connected with the health care on the special report in the January 5th issue of the Nikkei Business Journal. The purpose of the report is that: Japan is facing now various problems such as aging society with fewer children and energy crisis, from which the new technologies with a possibility of solving are creating. The new technologies selected by 200 technical journalists in the publications are serialized and introduced in the four feature article in the journal.


December 3, 2014 The Mainichi Broadcasting covered the activities of our company. In addition to our exhibition at the MEDICA2014 fair in Dusseldorf, they interviewed our self-propelling capsule endoscopy at our main office on 26th of November and and collected the information on our presentation and exhibition at the NBK (New Business Council) festa in the Nara Nikko Hotel on 27th of November. They will televise our activities at the news program "VOICE" during 18:15 to 19:00 on 3rd of December (in the Kansai area).

November 22, 2014 http://www.waseda.jp/top/en

November 12-15, 2014 We exhibited our IMER (Independent Medical Mini-robot) system at a booth in MEDICA 2014 in Dusseldorf, Germany during the 12th to 15th of November. The booth was set up in the KOBE Biomedical Innovation Cluster by the Kobe Medical Industry Development Project at B51 in the Hall 16. The MEDICA is the largest trade fair for medical system and equipment in the world. The total number of exhibited companies was 4,831 (87 Japanese companies) and the number of people who attended the fair was about 130 thousand in which 84 thousand camefrom 120 countries outside of Germany.

The hall inside the entrance An appearance of the Hall 16 Interviewing area in th Kobe booth
The exterior of the Kobe booth Explanation at our booth Explanation at our booth
An interview with visitors Participants involved in the Kobe booth

October 30, 2014 A new office was placed at the 3rd floor of the North Wharf Building in the Port Island in Kobe city. The office is intended to be a base of our company for information collection on the development of medical equipment and promotion of collaboration among industry, universities and government.

October 29, 2014 The Social Innovation/Smart City Week 2014 (SCW2014) sponsored by Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. (BP) was taken place from the 29th to 31st of October at the Pacifico Yokohama in Yokohama.
The self-propelling capsule endoscopy (SPCE) on which we have been working was chosen as one of seven future technologies by directors of seven research institutes of BP, then the president of Mu Ltd. explained the SPCE at the open theater B of the event "Techno Impact 2014" during the SCW2014.
This is a project of BP which investigates technologies to change society and chooses the promising seven from innovative ones nominated by 200 professional BP journalists in the technical fields of electricity, IT, construction and medicine. The selected seven subjects were interpreted and commented by developers, intellects or journalists at the event.

October 2, 2014

The special TV program “Thursday Special” of the BS Nippon Corporation searches entertainment of the 21st century such as history, sports, mysteries or movies. Our self-propelling capsule endoscope “MiniMermaid” will be introduced at 19:00 to 20:54 on the 9th of October in the special program on medical stories. See http://www.bs4.jp/mokuspe/

September 17, 2014 The New Business Conference Kansai, NBK http://www.nb-net.or.jp/, is a corporate juridical person to assist in forming the developing of new business in Kansai area of Japan. We presented our business plan at the screening committee of the Shiga Prefecture for the NBK grand prix at the main office of Optex Global Headquarters http://www.optex.net/ on the 28th of August and have been awarded a Shiga block prize of the NBK grand prix. The final presentation and judgment for the grand prix will be done at the Hotel Nikko Nara on the 27th of November.

July 26, 2014 Nippon Television Network Corporation will introduce our self-propelling capsule endoscopy during the special program on medical information "The Choice: What do you do in case of the illness?" The subject of the program is that the correct choice will surely survive you when you suffer from sickness. They will broad us in a topic of colon cancer during 13:30 to 15:30 on 26th of July (Only in the Kanto area (around Tokyo)).

April 11, 2014 TBS Broadcasting System Television, Inc. covered us for their Variety/Health program "Healty Hour". This program provides the advanced information for human body, great success of Doctors, the relationship among the environment, life, food and health from the close point of view to our hearts. They will broadcast our self-propelling capsule endoscope during 7:00 to 7:30AM on the 1st of June. See http://cbc-global.jp/catalogue/variety/index.htm#vrt-00002

February 28, 2014 The superior prize of the "Kyo-shin Grand Prix for Regional Activity" which was founded this year in commemoration of the 90th birthday of the Kyoto Shinkin Bank was given to Mu Ltd. The awarding ceremony was conducted at the head office of the bank in Kyoto. The president of Mu Ltd. was recognized by Mr. Toshiyuki Masuda, the chief director of the bank and was received the prize, certificate of merit and trophy. The prize is presented to medium-sized and small enterprises (including individuals) which are excellent in regional contribution, entrepreneurship mind, originality and innovation of the business. Two best prizes and 10 superior prizes were selected from 86 applicants this first year.

Being awarded the prize The chief director of Kyoto Shinkin Bank, members of selection committee and the recipients of the prize
The certificate of merit Trophy

February 22, 2014 Mu Ltd. was selected as one of recipients of the new business subsidy, the "11th Nonohana (the Flowers of the Field) Prize of the Shiga Bank." The presentation ceremony was conducted on the final date of the Saturday Entrepreneuing Cram School by the bank. The president of Mu Ltd. was presented with the certificate of merit and subsidy by Mr. Yoshio Daido, the president of the bank. The purpose of the prize is to encourage the realization of the coordination between industries, universities and public institution. The selected criteria for the prize are taken into consideration of (1) the ventures (corporations or individuals) which have started to get down to new business on their own within 5 years and are expected to prospectiveness, and (2) endeavoring situation toward cooperation between industries and universities, innovation, marketplace and realization of the new business.

Being awarded the prize The president of Shiga Bank and the recipients of the prize
The recipient's speech The certificate of merit

February 3, 2014 At a column of the past broadcast Vol.09 in the home page of the TV program "News Japan" by Fuji Television Network, Inc, "Impact of N; colon cancer and capsule endoscopy" televised on 24th of December, last year had been reported. In the column an outline of our self-propelling capsule endoscope is introduced.

January 29, 2014 K.K. DeAGOSTINI, Japan is Japan Headquarters of world-wide groups of Istituto Geografico DeAGOSTINI in Italy. The company publises a weekly magazine "Robi" for a do-it-yourself kit. At a column of robotics world "Challenging to microscopic world", our self-propelling capsule endoscope will be appearing in the article on "Micro-machine being active in medical field" in Vol.37 of the magazine.

January 15, 2014 The news program of Nihonkai Telecasting Co., Ltd. which is one of networks of Nippon Television Network Corporation and covers the San-in area (Tottori and Shimane Prefectures) will introduce today that the capsule endoscope for colon was newly imported in a big hospital in Tottori. Some of the results of our self-propelling capsule endoscope will also be televised in the program.


December 14, 2013 The Tohmatsu Venture Summit in Shiga sponsored by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Deloitte Japan, http://www.tohmatsu.com/view/en_JP/jp/, was held at the BKC campus of Ritsumeikan University. Mr. T. Kobayashi, the Chairman, President and CEO of Optex Group, http://www.optex.net/index.html , gave a key note speech at the summit. After the session we exibited a poster on our mermaid system in a booth at the convivial meeting.

December 13, 2013 Fuji Television Network, Inc covered us for their program "News Japan". They will broadcast our self-propelling capsule endoscope during 23:30 to 23:55 on the 24th of December.

December 5, 2013 Fuji Television Network, Inc, http://www.fujitv.co.jp/en/index.html?pagelink=topfooter, interviewed us and reported on our self-propelling capsule endoscope, Mermaid. It will be broadcasted on television at the program "Real Scope, Hyper" at 19:00 to 19:57 on the 18th of January, 2014.

October 30, 2013 The Venture Plaza Foundation in Tokyo was taken place at 13:00 to 17:00 at the Tokyo Big Site sponsored by Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN, http://www.smrj.go.jp/english/profile/index.html. We gave presentations on our self propelling system at the morning session and the afternoon session.

October 5, 2013 The Tohmatsu Venture Meetup in Kobe and the Tohmatsu Venture Summit in Kobe sponsored by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Deloitte Japan, http://www.tohmatsu.com/view/en_JP/jp/, were held at the Kobe Portopia Hotel. We gave a short presentation on our self propelling system of capsule endoscope at the Meetup. Mr. K. Yoshino, the president of Carna Biosciences, Inc., http://www.carnabio.com/english/, and K. Sakakibara, the president of Samurai Incubate Inc., http://www.samurai-incubate.asia/english/, gave invited lectures at the summit. After the lecture we exibited a poster in a booth at the convivial meeting.
Presentation on our system at the Meetup

July 31, 2013 The Independents Club sponsored by Independent Co. Ltd., http://independents.jp/, was opened at the Kyoto Research Park. We gave a short presentation and put our self propelling system on display at the 1st session. An invited lecture was given by Mr. H. Katsuya, professional connector, at the 2nd session. Business Plans were announced by several venture companies and the panel discussions were held at the 3rd session.

July 12, 2013 The Tohmatsu Venture Summit in Kyoto sponsored by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Deloitte Japan, http://www.tohmatsu.com/view/en_JP/jp/, was held at the Westin Miyako Kyoto Hotel. Mr. K. Yamada, the prefectural governor of Kyoto, and Dr. M. Horiba, the former president of Horiba International Corporation, , http://www.horiba.com/us/en/, gave invited lectures at the summit. After the lecture we exhibited our self propelling system of capsule endoscope at the business exchange session.

June 7, 2013 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) inserted a technical survey entitled "the Present Situation and Subjects of Capsule Endoscopy" by the president of Mu Ltd. in the Journal (Vol.96, No.6, pp.422-428).
See http://www.ieice.org/eng/index.html

April 25, 2013 Our self propelling system for capsule endoscope was delivered for research purpose to an medical college. The system is portable and is composed of magnetic field generating unit, controlling unit and driving fin units. The concept for propulsion of capsule endoscope is basically the same as our existing sytem but the controllability , lightening and downsizing are improved. If you are interested in the improved system or purchasing the system, please feel free to contact us.

April 2, 2013 Tokyo University of Science published the 3rd Bocchan's Science Series from Tokyo Publishing Co. Ltd. The book entitled "Materials Which Protect Life" introduced shortly our self-propelling capsule endoscope as an examle of controlling procedure of capsule endoscope for its position in the Section 3 of Chapter 3.

February 18, 2013 The self propelling capsule endoscope (Mermaid) developped by us was exhibited at the Advanced Technology Exhibition Hall @ TEPIA, Tokyo (see the following article on September 13, 2011 in this NEWS page). The TEPIA decided to exhibit the Mermaid in 2013 for continuous three years period. The Hall will be closed from March 4 to April 9 for renovation. Although the present exhibition is an elderly Mermaid and the video on the examination for dog's stomach, the newly developped one and the video on in-vivo examination of the digestive tract of a human will be exhibited from the 10th of April.
The present exhibition will be reported on NHK World at the 6th of March all over the world. The news program will be seen anytime after the broadcasting at http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/

January 10, 2013 SMBC Consulting Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, introduced our technology in the feature articles "Frontier technology and research in Japan" for the February edition of the membership magazine "MiT" (Management Intelligence Technology). The title of the article is "A free-swimming capsule endoscope using micro-machine technique will change the future of the world" and the contents can be seen at http://www.smbc-consulting.co.jp/company/mcs/businesswatch/mit/


December 1, 2012 Nippon Television Network Corporation asked us to use the video images of the human stomach shot by Mermaid, our self-propelling capsule endoscope, for their program "The Most Useful School in the World". They will broad in a short time at 21:54 to 22:00 on the 15th of December in the Kanto area and several local networks. A href="http://www.ntv.co.jp/sekaju/">http://www.ntv.co.jp/sekaju/

November 20, 2012 Nippon Television Network Corporation covered us for their the program "Team for Japan." They will broad at 21:54 to 22:00 on the 22nd of December in the Kanto area and several local networks. You can see all of the televised programs by clicking the "BACKNUMBER" site of the following homepage. The program will also be seen on the in-flight movie of Japan Airlines.

September 5, 2012 Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc. published the volume 32nd (Sept. 16th) of the Weeky Junior Comics on Heroes throughout the World, "Soichiro HONDA". Our self-propelling capsule endoscope is introduced at page 33 of the corner "Let's Learn more about Amazing Japanese Tecnology" in the volume.

August 28, 2012 Asahi Broadcasting Corporation covered us for their program "Good morning from Asahi". The program gives information on news, medical services, economy, sports, performing arts, gourmet and travel at 6:45 to 8:00 on every week days in Kansai area. They will broadcast our self-propelling capsule endoscope in the information show "Close-up news in this morning" at around 7:30 to 7:40 on the 5th of September.

August 23, 2012 NHK Broadcasting interviewed us on a surprised episode during the development of our self-propelling capsule endoscope, Mermaid. It will be broadcasted on television at the program "50 voices" at 22:55 to 23:24 on the 11th of October. http://www.nhk.or.jp/50voice/

June 13, 2012 Biwako Broadcasting Co., Ltd. reported Mu Ltd. Our self-propelling capsule endoscope, Mermaid, will be broadcasted at the program "the Now Economy in Shiga Prefecture" at 22:00 to 22:30 on the 23rd of June and at 8:00 to 8:30 on the 24th of June.

May 21, 2012 The following paper presented at DDW2012 was selected as one of cutting-edge technologies, health outcomes explored at DDW2012. Ohtsuka, Mu Ltd., was invited to the press briefing and the paper was delivered to several medical magazines. For one of examples, see  http://health.usnews.com/health-news/news/articles/2012/05/21/moveable-magnets-used-to-forge-gastric-bypass-in-pigs

May 19, 2012 Ohtsuka, the president of Mu Ltd., presented orally a paper “Observation of whole digestive tract of a human by a single passage of a self-propelling capsule endoscope” at DDW2012 (Digestive Disease Week) in San Diego in which about 15,000 medical doctors and the concerned people participate.
Presentation by Ohtsuka With participants from Osaka Medical College
View of down town from the convention center Baseball game between Padres and LAA at the Petco Park Stadium next to the convention center

April 16, 2012 Nippon Television Network Corporation will broad our self-propelling capsule endoscope on TV at the program "School Revolution." They will televise at 11:45AM to 12:45 on the 29th of April in the Kanto area and several local networks.

March 29, 2012 Our self-propelling capsule endoscope was introduced in the corner "Science Now" on Vol 18 of the official report journal "Win Wing" by AS ONE Corporation.
See http://www.as-1.co.jp/

March 1, 2012 Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation interviewed our self-propelling capsule endoscope, Mermaid. They will broad on television at the special program "Wonderful New Age" (tentative title) at 10:30 to 11:25 AM on the 22nd of March.

January 8, 2012 Fuji TV Networks, Inc. covered our self-propelling capsule endoscope, Mermaid, and her skillful performances. They were seen on television at the program "The Best House, Encyclopedia" at 22:00 to 22:54 on the 1st of February. http://www.fujitv.co.jp/123/index.html
Filming scene Filming of a special device and maze
Swimming Mermaid with goldfishes


December 9, 2011 TV Osaka will broad our self-propelling capsule endoscope on television in the special program "the forefront of the medical service -- the latest medicine and medical tourism" at 15:00 to 15:55 on the 23rd of December.

Nobember 4, 2011 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes an international web site, "Web Japan", to introduce Japanese culture and trend. "Kids Web Japan" in the corner introduces Japanese fashion and topics to children. The report on "Japan's New Capsule Endoscopes -- "Swimming" through Your Digestive Systems" is appearing in the "High-tech" column.

October 4, 2011 The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is an integrated organization of science and technology in our country that establishes an intrastructure for the entire process from the creation of knowledge to the return to the society. Movies on "Examination of the digestive tract by just swallowing -- development of self propelling capsule endoscope" were carried by "Science News" of JST.

September 30, 2011 The comics article on "Swimming! Self propelling capsule endoscope" was introduced at the "Frontier" page in October issue of the selected magazine, NEC BIGLOBE "Saai Isara."
Comics by Natomimiwa.
NEC BIGLOBE "saai Isara" October, 2011issue

September 13, 2011 The self propelling capsule endoscope which was used in in-vivo examination of dog’s stomach and the video movies were exhibited at the Advanced Technology Exhibition Hall @ TEPIA, Tokyo. The exhibition will be displayed from April, 2011 to March, 2012. The entrance is free of charge.

The aspect of TEPIA hall and the exhibition.

September 12〜14, 2011 Papers on “Proposed allowable depth of local corrosion in bottom plate of oil storage tank to prevent low cycle fatigue” and on “In vivo application of self propelling capsule endoscope by using magnetic force” were orally presented at the 2011 JSME Annual Conference in Tokyo.

September 6〜8, 2011 Plenary speech on "Development of Self-Propelling Capsule Endoscope and Its Application to Human" was presented at 15th Symposium on Nanoengineering and Microsystem Technology(2011 NMC)in Taipei, Taiwan sponsored by the Nanotechnology and Micro System Association (NMA: http://www.nma.org.tw/En/Introduction/). Invited speech on the same subject was also presented at National Taipei University of Technology.
Signboard, reception desk of 2011 NMC and NTUT campus.

July 26, 2011 National newspapers reported the contents of the press announcement on our results of in-vivo observation of human stomach and colon on the 21st of June. The articles are shown in the following news papers.
The Asahi, The SankeiThe Hochi SportsThe Nikkan BusinessThe NikkeiThe MainichiThe Yomiuri

July 4, 2011 The meaning of our self-propelling capsule endoscope was covered by the following NHK English program "Radio Japan Focus."
­The title of the broadcast: Radio Japan Focus
­Broadcasting time and date: 14:15 to 14:29 on the 12nd of July (Tuesday, in the Japanese standard time)
­The medium: in English. NHK 2nd Cannel will broadcast also.
Audences in 172 countries can moniter the program simultaneously in 17 languages including English by short wave broadcast "NHK Japan."
The broadcast can be heard also for a week by clicking the speaker sign "July 21" in radio display after clicking "Radio & Podcast" tag in the web site www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld

June 27,2011 The news program "Jornal Nacional" of Brazilian TV agency "TV Globo" interviewed us and will broad our self-propelling capsule endoscope on television the next day. The digital satellite broadcast and the cable TV "Sky Perfect" will televise the program in Japan.
The interviewing scene by TV Globo is shown in the following pictures.
Scene in interview by TV Globo in Brazil

June 24,2011 The Mainichi Broadcasting interviewed our compay on self-propelling capsule endoscope and broaded on the program "Seyanen! That's right" at 9:25 on the 25th of June. See http://www.mbs.jp/seyanen/

June 21, 2011 Mu Ltd. released the news on the successful observations of human stomach and colon by self-propelling capsule endoscope to the press with the cooperative Ryukoku University and Osaka Medical College.
The results were broaded on news programs of major nationwide television and evening newspapers on that day.
(For the announced detail, see Application of Self propelling capsule endoscope (fin type) to human : Press released on June, 2011 in the Project tag of this home page. )
Scene in press release

June 21, 2011 NHK World televised our results on self-propelling capsule endoscope all over the world.
The news program can be seen simultaneously anytime in Japan at http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/

May 8, 2011 The president, Ohtsuka made an oral presentation of the paper on "Observation of human stomach by using a body-friendly and self-propelling capsule endoscope" at the international conference on DDW2011 (Digestive Disease Week) in Chicago, USA.

MU Ltd.
Incubator, BKC Ritsumeikan University, 1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
Phone & FAX: +81-77-516-4373 (From overseas)/ 077-516-4373 (in Japan)
copyright 2018. Mu ltd. All rights reserved